Now’s Your Chance to Grab a Piece of History!

I’m opening up the Sketch Wars vault and giving you access to all of my 760 drawings that I did for my crazy 2 1/2 year long project of drawing one Star Wars character a day counting down the release of The Force Awakens.

You’ll receive 1x drawing a month (or 2x every other month if you’re outside of the US) until the vault is drained!

You can also double up and receive both a mini print AND a one of a kind Sketch Wars drawing.

Check out my Patreon page for several tier options on how start your collection today!



So I had a baby…

On March 3rd Emilia “Emi” May Diak came into the world and fell immediately into my heart.


The past few months I’ve spent getting to know her, and figuring out this new life of being a father. Let me tell you, baby’s are no joke, but they are sooo worth it! I can be so frustrated with her, and then she can give me a little smile and all of the frustration just melts away.

Continue reading So I had a baby…

Work from the Past Few Weeks

There’s been a lot going on in my life the past few months. Selling a house, getting ready for a baby.

I’ve also been putting a lot of thought into where I want to take my career as an artist. With the baby coming my art time is going to be of high value. Forever seeing that the perpetual glass is half-full, I see this has a great opportunity to really focus on what needs to get done, and where I want to go.

Comics have always been a direction I’ve wanted to move towards, and I think this year might be the year where I actually start putting pen to panel.

Regarding this past month, with most of my commissions and fall/winter projects finished, I’ve been able to do some pieces just for fun. Let me know what you think in the comments:

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter to see more of my work.

Paper Figures

Inspired by my hero Chris Schweizer (whom lives my dream of being a true life lumberjack artist) I want to start doing series of paper figures based on Star Wars characters. Once I have a bunch made I’ll post them for download here at

Below is the most recent one I’ve done. Shredded Kylo Ren:


Just right click on the image above, save, print, and cut!

The above paper figure does take the following stands to….stand. But I’m looking into an alternative version that doesn’t need stands.



UPDATE: I made a page with printable versions of my current Paper Figures. Click HERE, or on the Menu Bar above

Meet the Artist

Ever since I first started posting drawings on social media, I always wanted to do one of those “#meettheartist” things. After several years of wanting to do one, I finally got around to actually doing one. So here it is! Let me know what you think.

LjNick Meet the Artist FInal

Continue reading Meet the Artist

The New Sketch Wars

In November of 2013 I had the crazy idea to draw one Star Wars character a day counting down the 760 days that remained until the release of Episode VII. The catalyst for this idea was simple enough: To learn to draw better.


The quest was soon after christened: Sketch Wars.

Once December 15th 2015 arrived and I had completed my quest, I began to wonder what the future of Sketch Wars should be. It took me two years of wondering but to make a long story short I decided to transition Sketch Wars from a platform that encourages myself to grow as an artist into a platform that encourages others to grow as artists. And so the Sketch Wars Drawing Club is born.

Here’s how it works is: I post a drawing prompt onto my Instagram and Twitter  accounts, then participants throughout the week complete and post a drawing based on the prompt. They then post their artwork onto their personal Instagram and Twitter accounts with the tag #sketchwarsdrawingclub.

Continue reading The New Sketch Wars

What I’ve been up too (Part 2)

Last week, I wrote about the Jack Marshall comic strips I’ve been working on. This week, I’d like to share with you a couple of pieces that I’ve done recently just for fun.

First up, I’ve been waiting to do more Star Wars: The Last Jedi related drawings, but since I’ve been so busy I haven’t had much time. I really like my design of Chewy in my “HOPE” collage so I thought I’d do a Chewy focused piece. Add in a few porgs and…presto! Ya got a The Last Jedi tie-in drawing!

Chewy & Porgs Final

Next up, the AT-ST Walker.

ATST Final Continue reading What I’ve been up too (Part 2)

What I’ve been up too (part 1)

Over the past month I’ve been wildly busy with projects that I’ve barely been able to keep up with it! I’ll be posting updates over the next few days of what some of those projects have been (Note: Some are still under wraps so I can’t say anything about them yet).

Firstly, I’ve continued my work with Screen14 Pictures’ Jack Marshall Can’t Do This which is a transmedia webseries. One of the characters, Donni Lawrence, draws comics and posts them on her Instagram. Below are same of my favorite I’ve done so far (keep in mind a lot of the humor comes from in-jokes from the show). They are drawn by me, and written by Grant & Victoria Hansen.

Comic8 Final Finished Continue reading What I’ve been up too (part 1)